AMAKS Staraya Russa Novgorod region
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Pelvic peritoneal adhesions

Treatment of pelvic adhesions, as any other aimed at preventing the formation of new and in some cases removal of old. Thus is pharmacological and surgical method of treatment of adhesions. Medication depends on the cause of adhesions, may be appointed antibacterial, hormonal, often it is recommended to use krovanistaya drugs. The necessary conditions of treatment of adhesions is proper nutrition and moderate exercise, therefore, patients with peritoneal disease indicated treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions.

Spa treatment offers a set of procedures aimed at treatment of adhesive disease and the healing of the body. For visitors of sanatorium are chosen the right diet: split meals in small portions, and taking essential vitamins. Physiotherapy, which involves electrophoresis, paraffin. Effective as massage and physiotherapy.


  • Malignant neoplasms and suspicion of their presence.
  • Post-abortion period (before the first menstrual period).
  • Erosion and erodirovannoj of the cervix in the absence of special conditions for a thorough examination to exclude cancer pathology.
  • Polyps cervical and uterine body.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Cysts and cystoma of ovaries.
  • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease requiring surgical treatment.
  • Vesico-vaginal and vaginal-thick/small bowel fistula.
  • Precancerous diseases of female genital organs.
  • Condition after operations for malignant neoplasms of female genital organs.
  • General contra-indications excluding a direction of patients to the resorts and in local motels.

Treatment Results

Adhesions can be completely removed only by surgical intervention. And not the fact that they will not appear again. Treatment allows to get rid of the adhesions and fix the result for a long time.

The consequences of not treating

Adhesions are a very common cause of infertility. In addition, they cause a lot of inconvenience. Aching pain in the abdomen and lower back – common signs of adhesions.
Adhesions bonding of tissue, to prevent the spread of the disease. The formation of adhesions in the pelvis can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, including infertility. This happens due to the fact that adhesions may contribute to the displacement of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and, therefore, disrupt their functioning. Causes adhesions become infection, intrauterine mechanical manipulation and IUDs.
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